
Sunday, July 6, 2014

If you find someone who loves you with the lights on....

We’re all looking,
That’s what she said,
For someone to share our thoughts,
For someone to share our beds.

But if you find someone that doesn’t try to change you,
If you find someone that doesn’t have to blame you,
If you find someone you don’t need to explain to,
You’ve found the one you love.

We’re all searching,
Thats all I know,
For someone to keep us warm,
When the rain soaks through our clothes.

But if you find a hand to hold when the night comes,
To be there when you’re old and your frightened,
If you find someone who loves you with the lights on,
You’ve found the one you love.

So hold it near,
Cos love it comes so quickly and then it goes,
And be careful my dear,
Cos the very thing that makes you,
Could be the thing that breaks you,
You know.

If you find someone who doesn’t undermine you,
If you find someone who doesn’t drag behind you,
If you find someone that loves you just like I do,
You’ve found the one you love.


I'm working on this song this morning. Words are simple and good and true. Exactly what I love in a song. What I need in a speak to my simple heart.

My hands are busy playing, and my little girl is feeding me bits of a Hershey bar for a smile.

I am sitting here wondering why people cannot be as simple as songs. I am seeking simplicity in every nook and cranny of my life.

Simple love, simple happiness and clutter in my mind or in my house. I want to decorate with firewood in winter and flowers in summer and be done with all things that keep me weighted down.

I love Sundays. Literally my favorite day of the week. I crave Sundays. I put no strings on Sundays. Right now my life is being driven by the beauty of Sundays.

I could totally be at work right now, and I might go in.. but I need a little fuel...a little time to myself...and I slept till 10. Truth. I know right! It was soo nice under all the fluffy down and quilts.. the fan blowing in my face.

Right now it feels so good to be making music...learning something new. Laughing with my girls and yes, I am still in underwear and a tank top at 11:35 am. What could be better, I can think of nothing.

I snuck in at 2 am...I danced under the stars all night to Phish..made some special new friends from Bangor, Maine that I will never see again. Got lost and finally found the car. It was beautiful really. And it grabbed my heart. I feel so happy this morning.

I really never wanted this place to be a diary of daily.. I wanted it to be more of a breakdown of my mind and heart. But I am realizing that if I am going to be writing.. just writing, getting it all out, and keeping the commit part. That it needs to be a ritual place. And right now a story of daily life. This is also why it is now wrought with a password. To most, this will look messy and undeveloped. I want this. I need this sorting place...I need to develop my thoughts in a messy way. I need to argue with myself on paper.

The missing: Thursday it rained so hard I have no idea how we (my cousin Ben and I) made it to Phish. It was pouring. Literally 2 trees fell right in the road in front of us. We decided we were hardcore fans right then and there.

Everywhere I go folks are so cynical of this little VT band that draws the crazy huge crowds, and really I cannot tell you what it is. But I know what it does. It drives happiness right through me. And it keeps me on a happy high for days. So I will take it. All of it.. even the criticism for being a phan. Oh yes. PH fan. I am even that cool.


..and oh this tune I am listening to makes me want to pour.. downpour on this keyboard and tell you all the things that are buried in my heart... but I am trying hard not too. I am working really hard at it. Training myself if you will.

I am hearing things.. things I don't want to believe. Words a friend spoke to me that lie on the surface of my mind.

When you grow cannot completely follow your heart. Also if you walk that path of heart, all these consequences are standing ..waiting on you.  It makes the path of following your heart weighted down with danger.

It's something I really do not want to believe. My entire body speaks that this is not truth. I feel like if you reach out and grab what your head says no too, but your heart says yes too.. then your life will be beautiful.. following your heart is following that karmic high place if you will..not the karmic low.

And yet wisdom wants us to follow our head? I am seeking understanding. I need understanding.

 The danger part makes me ache. And is that what he is speaking to.. in those lyrics above.. "That the very thing that makes you, can be the thing that breaks you?"

I love this Proverb.. For wisdom will enter your heart.  I love this, because it speaks to me.. I find clarity in life when my heart says yes. 

Recently I lost a staff member and it was hard. And it was riddled with doubt from a head place. But my heart spoke clearly that this was right....even when the process was hard and hurt on all sides. A few months later, this led to a better path for that individual and a peaceful place for so many. The hard spots, seem to drive the good. ?

Sometimes the hard.. even hurtful moments are those deciding places in our lives, that help us to find the strength we need.  And those left behind come out ahead, because all of us were on the wrong path to begin with.?

“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”  ~Joseph Campbell

This article really spoke to me at the end. I really feel like if we utilize the power of our heart, then our minds can literally be put to rest.

And I write with questions.. because I am still seeking. As someone recently reminded me: Path is the Goal.

Have a lovely Sunday sweet friends. I am glad to know you. Thanks for reading my journey and walking beside me.

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