
Thursday, April 11, 2013

12:15 home.

12:15 I just got home.. the girls slipped into bed half asleep and I pulled their quilts over them and hit the hallway light and down the front stairs ..candles lit and standing on the front porch breathing in the stars and cold night air. The Doors running through song after go to when I am in need of finding my mind ...or loosing it. So many emails to reply and I am so tired, weak from the ride. Driving exhausts me. I need to stop at every cool town and walk the streets and eat something good and walk the streets some more, then continue on my way. I do not do good with a quick rest area stop with a not so yum but def. pricey Starbucks sandwich as my best meal option. But these days of picking up supplies (more cost efficient then freight shipping) for the farm.
The girl at the bank this morning said to me.."Your a country girl aren't you". Do you know of a reply to that? In those awkward early years.."country girl" was not a burst of words equaling kindness. But today it was a compliment. My eyes dimmed to my handmade sweater, ripped jeans and muck boots.. that had mistakingly dragged in a pile of mud ( I hoped mud atleast!) and I had to nod in understanding. "She said she really wanted to buy a farm but they were too expensive". I nodded understandingly, thinking,"Me too"... as I dragged my mind across my own lack of double digit acreage (correcting that this year with land leases is the hope).
My ADHD begs forgiveness. The roadtrip today was to pick up my newest farm addition. A not so shiney, new to us 1955 Ferguson. 35 horse. She is a beauty..well I see a beauty..atleast a beauty in the making. I cannot wait to get her in the field hilling my potatoes. Why do I never take photographs. At one time in my life I went nowhere with out my camera. It has been so long now. Huge gaps with no photos. I like to think of it as positive. Huge gaps because I was too busy living. I live better in color, and not through the lens of a camera. But I am working on it.
So I will go back to my chair, my candles, and my sky.

Love hides in the strangest places.
Love hides in familiar faces.
Love comes when you least expect it.
Love hides in narrow corners.
Love comes to those who seek it.
Love hides inside the rainbow.
Love hides in molecular structures.
Love is the answer....Jim Morrison    word.

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